NEC Draws Ballot Numbers for Parties

The National Election Committee on Saturday drew random numbers for party positions on election ballots, with the Norodom Ranariddh Party winding up on top.

Ballots for the July 27 election will show the Khmer Democracy Party second. The Cambodian People’s Party will appear in the No. 4 slot, Funcinpec No. 8, Sam Rainsy Party No. 9 and the Human Rights Party No. 11.

The drawing took place under the watch of Venerable Monk Sangkreach Buokry, as well as political parties, non-governmental agencies and donors.

NRP spokesman Muth Chantha said the party’s position at the top of the ballot was a good sign for victory in the election.

SRP lawmaker Kuy Bunroeun, meanwhile, said No. 9 was a good number because it was high, and Keo Remy, HRP vice president, said No. 11 was fortunate in depicting double ones.

The numbering system on the ballot is important for voters who can’t read. Parties can campaign using the numbers to earn votes.