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About VOA Khmer

The Voice of America (VOA), a dynamic multimedia broadcaster funded by the U.S. Government, broadcasts accurate, balanced and comprehensive news and information to an international audience.

It started in 1942 as a radio news service for people living in closed and post-war societies. It has grown into a multimedia broadcast service that now reaches a global audience through radio, television and the Web.

VOA’s work in all languages and platforms is governed by the VOA Charter, signed into law by President Gerald Ford in 1976.

VOA journalists abide by our Journalistic Code, which lays out the standards for reporting accurate, objective and comprehensive news. The Code establishes VOA’s principles and practices for sourcing stories and ensuring accuracy, balance, fairness, context and comprehensiveness.

VOA’s current director is Amanda Bennett, who began work in April 2016. She joined VOA as its 29th director after an extensive career in journalism and communications.

VOA Khmer

The Voice of America Khmer Service (VOA Khmer) broadcasts comprehensive news and feature multimedia programs about Cambodia, Southeast Asia, America and the world. Everyday, our radio programs provide the latest news. We also deliver in-depth reporting and analysis in international politics, human rights, economics, science, health, business and entertainment.

VOA Khmer Service's first radio broadcast was on August 15, 1955. Today, it is one of the largest Khmer-language broadcasters in the world. In addition to our 90 minutes of daily radio broadcasting to Cambodia and Southeast Asia, VOA Khmer delivers news and feature video packages that are broadcast on affiliate TV stations in Cambodia. VOA Khmer also delivers news via digital online and mobile platforms, including social media sites Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.