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Little Done To Curb Holiday Transport Price Gouging: Experts

A Cambodian dancer wears mash during a merit making ceremony at Cambodia's Ministry of Information in Phnom Penh, file photo.
A Cambodian dancer wears mash during a merit making ceremony at Cambodia's Ministry of Information in Phnom Penh, file photo.

The Cambodian New Year every year offers a chance for many people to return home to the provinces to see family. That also means excessively high transportation fees.

Authorities have proven incapable of preventing the price gouging, which often reaches nearly double of typical costs, Vorn Peou, president of the Independent Democratic Free Economic Association, an opposition-aligned group, told “Hello VOA” on Monday.

Bus tickets from Phnom Penh to Battambang town, for example, jumped from $5 to $10 over the holiday, he said.

“The increase of transportation fees is systematic,” said Neak Heng, head of the government-leaning Transportation Association.

Both association leaders agree that more needs to be done to stop the increase for national holidays.