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SRP Challenges FUNCINPEC's Lawsuit - 2004-09-13

Cambodian opposition party leader Mr. Sam Rainsy said his party members wrote a letter to the constitutional council asking the legality of libel lawsuit against the Sam Rainsy Party filed by FUNCINPEC.

FUNCINPEC takes Mr. Sam Rainsy and Mr. Chea Poch to court for accusing prince Norodom Ranariddh of taking bribes from CPP to form the new government.

Mr. Sam Rainsy wanted to know whether the lawsuit is filed under the old UNTAC law or the 1993 Cambodian constitution.

He said if it's filed under the old UNTAC law, he would respond to the court summon. But he said if it's filed under the Cambodian constitution which provides immunity to the parliamentary members, then he would ignore the court order.

So far the constitutional council has not replied yet