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Web Site Offers Solutions for Women

A Web portal that seeks to answer questions posed by Cambodian women has been increasing in popularity since its launch in 2007, a founder said Monday.

“We have had more than 1,000 people visit our Web site since the beginning, and more than 100 people visit the Web site each day,” said Chim Manavy, director of the Open Institute, which sponsors the site, as a guest on “Hello VOA.”

The portal was set up to spread information on women’s issues and rights and to build communication. The site, at, leads to information on legal documents, discrimination laws, domestic violence, rape, trafficking, networks and organizations, and other discussions.

“We have information discussing women’s issues, their difficulties, and visitors can share their comments or give their views on the question,” Chim Manavy said. “Surely women can discuss their problems through the Web and can put their problems [on the site].