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Motive of Gambling Crackdown Questioned

The jury is still out on whether a gambling crackdown ordered recently by Prime Minister Hun Sen was done for the good of the public or for personal gain, a civil society advocate said Monday.

“We need more explanation from the government on whether the closures are in favor of an individual or the public,” said Seng Theary, executive director of the Center for Social Development, as a guest on “Hello VOA.”

Hun Sen last month ordered the closure of the popular sports betting company CamboSix, a move that followed stricter measures against gambling machines in hotels.

While the move against gambling, which Seng Theary called a worm that corrupted morality and split families, was welcome, it should have been done through legal procedures, she said.

She also questioned why the largest casino, Naga, in Phnom Penh, wasn’t closed. “Why just close the small gambling sites?” she asked.