More than 600 Cambodians participated in International Youth Day in Phnom Penh Aug. 12, where participants like Srean Lalune and Sim Virak discussed global climate change.
More than 60 percent of the population is under the age of 24, and as it grows older, the generation will produce leaders who seek to mobilize communities and raise awareness of climate issues in Cambodia.
This week's forum, "Youth and Climate Change: Time for
Action," sought to draw out such leaders.
"On this International Youth Day, 2008, we commit ourselves to believing
in generations beyond our own and to taking action now to ensure the world is
cleaner for us," said Sreang Lalune, who recently became the first female
"Youth Leader" to win a trip to the US. "Young people can be the
solution to many environmental concerns."
The forum gathered representatives from the Ministry of Education Youth and
Sports, the Ministry of Environment, the UN, and young people from various
youth associations.
"By just changing our habits and by just saving water or electricity, each
can help the country," said Sim Virak, a student from Kampong Cham
province. "So as young people, we seek to add our voices to the call for
every effort to be made by governments and international bodies towards climate
stabilization. With the support of governments and international bodies, young
people can be a great force of positive change."