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European Union Will Contribute Toward Khmer Rouge Tribunal

The European Union delegation met with Cambodian high ranking officials during its visit to Cambodia.

The delegation met with the director of the office of administration for the Khmer Rouge tribunal Sean Visoth, and deputy director Michele Lee.

A spokesman for the tribunal Reach Sambath says that the delegation is impressed with the determination of the staff and is very happy to see improvement from February when there weren't even telephones installed or tables at the office of this tribunal.

He says that the delegation led by Mr. Mark Tarabela will continue to observe this development.

The delegation will support this tribunal when the Cambodian and the international side submit new proposals to the EU.

Mr. Reach Sambath says that the former Khmer Rouge leaders boycot the elections even after the 1991 Paris accord, and in 1997 co Prime Ministers Norodom Ranariddh and Mr. Hun Sen appealed to UN General Secretary Kofi Annan for an intervention in an international tribunal for the Khmer Rouge leaders trial.