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Questions And Answers On Prince Ranariddh's Resignation

VOA receives information about Prince Norodom Ranariddh's resignation from his position as National Assembly's presidency.

He is Prime Minister Hun Sen's partner in the coalition government, and his resignation Friday has no apparent reason except for his letter saying he does not have enough time to visit the Cambodian people, and his party's lawmakers in his constituencies.

Prince Ranariddh, FUNCINPEC party's leader wrote a letter to Mr. Chea Sim, Senate's President, and the Cambodian People's party's (CPP) leader, and Prime Minister Hun Sen, saying he would like to strengthen and push his party forward.

There is no response from either stateman.

NGOs officials and the Cambodian people are surprised to hear the news. The Center for Social Development's director, Ms. Chea Vannath says that this development is good in that it serves as a role model for other institutions.

Government spokesman Khieu Kanharith confirms the news saying the prince wants to strengthen his party's internal structure.

Opposition Sam Rainsy party's lawmakers' leader, Mr. Son Chhay says that he regrets the decision but that this is Prince Ranariddh's personal view, and that we must respect that.

The National Assembly's Vice President, Mr. Heng Samrin will likely take the prince's position.

A FUNCINPEC party's legislator says that there will be an election that uses the 50% plus one formula, which makes the CPP gain.