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Radio France International to Broadcast in Cambodia

After allowing Paris-based and Cambodian speaking Radio France International (RFI) FM 92 MGH to broadcast in Cambodia, Mr. Khieu Kanharith, government spokesman and Minister of Information, defends his reason for allowing RFI to broadcast saying thes station is independent and is not representing the French government's view or France political view.

The government has denied VOA, RFA and the Cambodia Center of Human Rights (CCHR) permission to broadcast on FM radio stations.

Mr. Khieu Kanharith said that RFI does not serve the French government's goals like VOA and RFA which serve the American government. He said that the government should be careful about foreign radio stations that buy air time which can create airwave wars. He said further that RFI and BBC do not serve the French and British governments.

French International Radio's president for broadcasting programs, said that RFI got the permission from Prime Minister Hun Sen when he came to Paris for a visit, and that this station already has its own frequency.

Mr. Kem Sokha, CCHR's president said that it is unfair that his station did not get the permission.