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Ranariddh Tells Party Activists to Attract Votes from SRP supporters

FUNCINPEC president Norodom Ranaridh forbids his party's activists from attracting ballots from the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) supporters in the senate election next year.

Speaking at the party's headquarters Monday, Prince Ranariddh said FUNCINPEC party activists should instead try to win back the votes of the Sam Rainsy party (SRP) supporters.

Minister of Information and CPP's spokesman Khieu Kanharith said the two parties do not compete with each other for the votes.

However, he said the two parties are united to win votes of other parties to strengthen the power of the coalition government.

SRP Secretary-General Eng Chhay Eang ridicules Prince Ranariddh's statement saying the opposition party is not working to win votes of any party's supporters.

Eng Chhay Eang said the votes don't belong to any party. He said voters may vote for a party in one election, but for another party in another election.