Vietnam Conducting Search Flights for Missing Airliner Over Cambodia

Military officer Pham Tuan Minh looks through a window of a Vietnam Air Force AN-26 aircraft during a mission to find the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, off Con Dao island March 13, 2014.

The Cambodian government has granted permission to Vietnam for use of its airspace in search of the still-missing Malaysian airlines flight that went down Saturday.

Vietnamese aircraft have flown over Cambodia since Wednesday, in search of clues for the missing Boeing 777, which disappeared mysteriously with 239 passengers onboard.

“Vietnam has the resources for search and rescue, and yesterday it requested cooperation form us to search for the missing plane in southern Vietnam and some parts of our flight zone,” said Keo Sivorn, head of the government’s Civil Aviation Department.

Cambodian officials said earlier this week they would not be sending Cambodian resources to join in a search effort that now encompasses scores of ships and aircraft from eight different countries.

There has been no radar signal indicating the flight crashed in Cambodian territory, Keo Sivorn said.

Government spokesman Phay Siphan said Thursday Cambodia was willing to help where possible.