Chinese Police To Help Deport Taiwanese Extortion Suspects

  • Heng Reaksmey
    VOA Khmer

Armed Chinese policemen stand guard on a street in Kashgar in China's far western Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, file photo.

Cambodia has no diplomatic relations with Taiwan; it follows the one-China policy.
PHNOM PENH - A team of Chinese policemen arrived from Beijing on Tuesday to help Cambodian authorities deport 15 Taiwanese nationals who were arrested in connection with an extortion racket earlier this month.

“We had some evidence provided by the Chinese government to arrest the Taiwanese [suspects],” said Khieu Sopheak, a spokesman for the Ministry of Interior.

The 15 suspects, including four women, were arrested Aug. 8 in Kampong Speu province on suspicion of using Internet phone systems to extort money from people in China and Taiwan.

They were arrested for entering the country without passports or documentation. Cambodia has no diplomatic relations with Taiwan; it follows the one-China policy.