Union Won't Call Workers to Join Rally

The leader of one of Cambodia's largest unions said he would not call workers to join an opposition rally Sunday, following a $6 addition to wages Friday.

Government, management and worker representatives signed a deal Friday to bring the monthly wage of workers to $56 in the face of rising costs of living.

Chea Mony, president of the Free Trade Union, who threatened sweeping strikes last week if salaries were not increased, said Thursday individuals should consider joining the rally.

"As an individual, I will join the demonstration," Chea Mony said.

He is a voluntary union leader, and inflation affects his living condition as much as anyone, he said.

He would not call on his workers to join en masse, he said.

The Sam Rainsy Party has called for a demonstration of up to 5,000 people in the capital to protest the government's inability to curb inflation.