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Japan to Increase Investment in Cambodia

Cambodian and Japanese government officials in Phnom Penh on Friday held their first round of talks to form a bilateral investment agreement which aims to speed up Cambodia’s economy.

The first round of talks is being held from January 26-27 at the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC).

Japan is Cambodia’s primary donor and since 1993, it has given the country with billions of dollars in aid.

Currently, Japanese investors have over 20 projects like bank, hotel resort, mansion construction, and trade company and island development in Cambodia. And yet, Japanese’s investment lagged behind China, South Korea and Malaysia.

The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs office of South East Asian Affairs' director, MizuKoshi Hideaki says that the environment for investment in Cambodia is improving, and that he will try to encourage more Japanese companies do business in Cambodia.

From 1994 to 2005, Cambodia has attracted 5.49 billion U.S. dollars of foreign direct investment.