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Iraqi Captors Release US Journalist Jill Carroll

American journalist Jill Carroll has been released by her captors in Iraq, nearly three months after she was kidnapped at gunpoint.

Unknown people delivered Jill Carroll into the hands of the Iraqi Islamic Party, a moderate Sunni group.

In an interview with Baghdad television filmed at the party headquarters after her release, she appears animated, happy and healthy. She said her captors treated her well.

"Very good treatment, very good treatment. I was kept in a very good, small safe place, a safe room," she said. "Nice furniture. They gave me clothing, plenty of food. I was allowed to take showers, go to the bathroom when I wanted. Very good. Never hit me, never even threatened to hit me."

She is reported to now be with U.S. officials in the Green Zone, and they say she has spoken to her family by telephone.

Her friends and colleagues have expressed joy and relief that she is safe.

Carroll is a freelance reporter who was working for the Christian Science Monitor newspaper when she was abducted by a carload of gunmen in early January. Her interpreter, Allan Enwiyah, was killed.