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Hello VOA Call-In show With Dr. Heang Rithy of CNRO

Dr. Heang Rithy is director of Cambodia National Research Organization or CNRO discusses about felonies or mild cases with evidences or without evidences.

There are laws left over from the United Nations Transitional Authority for Cambodia (UNTAC) and those from the State of Cambodia.

The National Assembly recognizes those laws. T

he cases without evidences involve those people accused of crimes but without eyewitnesses or evidences such as identifications or objects left at the scenes.

The cases with evidences involve those crimes being committed, and people see what happens at the scenes, or the suspects run and get caught.

A caller asks D. Heang Rithy about Mr. Kem Sokha's case and the other activists. He is the director of the Cambodia Center for Human Rights.

These cases have no evidences and Dr. Heang Rithy says the officials who arrest them violate the law.

A lady complains about her husband being detained for 96 hours, without the Phnom Penh court's arrest warrant.

She claims that her husband was coerced to put the blame on an official after her husband was tortured.

She also claims that the court has no evidence in the case against her husband.

Dr. Heang Rithy says that the Ministry of Interior's police does not enfore the law appropriately.

In this case, he says that the court is not independent.