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Mr. Heng Samrin Welcomes His New Position

Mr. Heng Samrin welcomes his new position after Prime Minister Hun Sen asked the National Assembly to appoint Mr. Heng Samrin to be the Assembly's president after Prince Norodom Ranariddh left this position.

Mr. Heng Samrin says that he is happy to get this position but that he needs many colleagues for this job.

He says that the The Cambodian People's Party (CPP) represents the people, and the people vote for him, so it seems they trust him and he is happy to accept the position.

The vice president of the Assembly is Mr. Nguon Nhel, but the second vice presidency has not been submitted to the Assembly yet.

Prince Ranariddh, royalist FUNCINPEC party leader resigned Friday in what he says was the reason he cannot fulfill his position as National Assembly's president, and that he does not have enough time to see his people.[